Mesotherapy and PRP Therapy

Mesotherapy and PRP therapy

PRP treatment

With PRP therapy the patient is taken a blood sample. The blood gets filtered and centrifugated, so that the plasma for the procedure is extracted. Then the PRP-Serum gets injected directly into the scalp. In this way the hair growth factors get released, skin and stem cells are activized and the skin is better supplied with blood. Thanks to the improved blood flow and the blood and nutrients supply hair loss can be prevented and production of new hair follicles is encouraged.

To make treatment with own blood successful, the blood must be absolutely compatible and free from allergic reactions and side effects.

PRP method can be used with both men and women from 18 y.o.

Thanks to application of anesthetic gel treatment is absolutely painless even in the case of highly sensitive patients. Right after the procedure you can continue with your daily routine.


Mesotherapy is one of the existing methods of treatment of hair loss in the first stages and is used for strengthening the scalp, disposing of dandruff and strengthening hair.

In mesotherapy individualized medicines and active ingredients in minor dosages are injected with a fine needle or a special mesotherapy pistol directly into the hair follicles in the scalp. This method ensures that the active ingredients reach those places where they are needed.

As long as hair roots still exist, this method helps to reduce hair loss, to improve the quality of hair and to encourage a new hair growth.

The needles used for mesotherapy are highly thin and have a special edge, which reduces pain.

Treatment is carried out outpatiently and lasts from several minutes to half an hour depending on the size of the bald patches.

As a rule, in a couple of hours after the procedure the patient will not see any visible traces of the operation, so right after the procedure it’s possible to continue with your daily routine.

Treatment is carried out several times with an interval which can last from 1 week to several months. As a rule, 3 to 5 procedures are enough to achieve a long term success. Sometimes, more procedures are needed to achieve a stable result in hair loss treatment.

After the first procedures many patients can notice that the scalp is better supplied with blood and hair loss stops. Hair loss reduces starting from the third procedure. After about 2-3 months a new increased hair growth starts.

Because of the fact that hair roots get lost with time, it’s very important to undergo the procedure at an early stage. The earlier you start with the treatment, the bigger are the chances of success.

Mesotherapie shouldn’t be used in case of strong autoimmune activity or longtime alopecia.

After the procedure the hair mustn’t be washed for two days, so that the injection can start working well.



