FUT Hairtransplantation technique

FUT Hair transplantation technique


Unit Transplantation (FUT) or Strip method is a hair restoration technique where a 1 cm high hair streak in the form of an ellipse is extracted from the haired skin on the head. It is performed under local anesthesia. The size of hair streaks depends on the number of needed transplants.

From these streaks each individual hair root unit is carefully prepared under a high-resolution microscope. Before the hair transplantation operation the hair roots are kept in a special nourishment solution to prevent growth hiccups.

The donor site gets sown up according to a special cosmetic sealing method. The seam can be removed in several days. The scar is usually almost invisible. Transplantation of hair roots extracted from streaks is as popular as FUE technique.

After this operation swellings of the face can occur, which usually decreases in just a couple of days. The transplanted hair roots start growing for life in just 3-4 months.

However, this method is not recommended if the hair in the back of the head (the donor site) very thin is or short is. This ist he reason why it is used comparatively rarely.


